On the Fast Track with…
Setting Up Your TopSurfer Site to Display Your Website to Prospects Each Day...AUTOMATICALLY!

Feel free to print out this tutorial so that you can follow along as you enter your TopSurfer site to set up your ad.

Step 1:

Bookmark or make the Members Area Login page as one of your “favorite places,” so you can get to it as quickly as possible when you desire.  The URL you will need to bookmark is:


Bookmark it, and name it, simply, “TopSurfer"

Step 2:

Now that you have your TopSurfer Members Area login page set up as one of your favorite places, click on the link to go there.

Step 3:

In the center of the “Members Only" page, enter your username and password into the appropriate blocks directly below the key.  (Remember that your username and password are caSE-seNsiTIve.  That means that "username" is different from "USERNAME" or "UserName")  Click on the rectangular gray “Login” button.

You will now be on the "Welcome to the Member's Area" page.

Step 4:

On the "Welcome to the Member's Area" page you will note the large white "Navigate the Member's Area" menu area running down the left side of the page.

There are TWO important functions we will need to perform before we set up your ads...

Step 5:

I.  The first thing we must do is to "add a payment method" so you can start to earn commissions:

a)  In the "Navigate the Member's Area" menu, click on the "Wholesale Membership" icon (the second icon in the top row.)

You will be taken to the "Wholesale Membership Area" page.

b)  On the "Wholesale Membership Area" page, scroll down, and click on the long gray "How You Get Paid" bar.

You will be on the "Wholesale Membership Selling Preference Area" page.

c)  On the "Wholesale Membership Selling Preference Area" page, enter your PayPal email address in the appropriate block, and click the rectangular gray "Edit PayPal" link.  Then enter your AlertPay email address in the appropriate block, and click the rectangular gray "Edit AlertPay" link.  Then, if you have an E-Gold account, enter your e-gold number, and click the rectangular gray "Edit AlertPay" link.  (If you don't already have an e-gold account, I DON"T recommend getting one;  99% of your customers will pay, either via PayPal or AlertPay.)

You are now set up to receive instant commission payments!  Near the top of the page, click the "Return to Members Home Screen" link.

You will be taken back to the "Welcome to the Member's Area" page.

II.  The second thing you must do is to "activate your account."  In order to do this you  must surf at least 20 pages on the Traffic Exchange portion of the TopSurfer site:

a)  Back on the "Welcome to the Member's Area" page,  In the "Navigate the Member's Area" menu, click on the "Surf" icon (the first icon in the top row.)

b)  On the "Choose Your Surfbar" page, scrolling down you will see that to surf the exchange you have your choice of NINE different surfbars.  At this point, however, our purpose is simply to get you activated as quickly as possible.  SO... click on the seventh surfbar from the top, the "Click Here to Plain Surf" surfbar.

c)  To become familiar with the Traffic Exchange portion of the Topsurfer site, I urge you to read the large yellow "Things to Notice" page that you are taken to.  When you have read the page, you can begin to surf your 20 pages to activate your account:  Running along the very top of the page.  The third item in the row is the "countdown timer"  It is a small white box, with the word "Wait" above it.  When you are surfing, you will note that this timer area starts at "15" and counts down to "0" and then displays the text "Go"  You have earned credits for viewing that particular site, so click the yellow box to the right displaying the text "Next Site"

d)  You can tell how many sites you've surfed by checking the number to the right of the "Surfed" area at the top of the page.  When that number turns to "20," you've surfed your 20 websites, and your account is now activated.

Close your TopSurfer site, and log back in to your TopSurfer account

Step 6:  Entering the Big Dogs website into your TopSurfer Traffic Exchange

a)  On the "Welcome to the Member's Area" page you will note the large white "Navigate the Member's Area" menu area running down the left side of the page.

b)  Scroll down the navigation menu until you get to the "Your Information (Your URL's, Password, etc)" area, and click on the icon of the tablet with the "All About You" text.

You will be taken to the "Your Personal Information" page.

c)  On the "Your Personal Information" page, go down to the second long gray bar containing the text link, "Edit Your Website's URLs For The Hit Exchange"  Click on this text link and you will be taken to the "Your URL's (Websites)" page.

d)  Scroll down the page and click on the rectangular gray "Add A New Website" button.

e)  Open your TrafficWave AdTracker program, and copy and paste the adtracker URL for "TopSurfer Ad 01" into the blank TopSurfer block.  (Remember that your adtracker URL will look like this:


...where XXXXX will be a five-digit number that is the SAME for all your adtracker URL's, and XXXXXX will be a six-digit number that is DIFFERENT for each of your adtracker URL's)

f)  Click the rectangular gray "Change" button to the immediate right of the URL block.  Your website information is now saved, and your website will be placed in rotation to be seen by other TopSurfer members.

That's it!  You're done!  Since TopSurfer uses a "Set-And-Forget" system your TopSurfer site will now AUTOMATICALLY display your website every day to the members of the TopSurfer program.  The only time you need to return to your TopSurfer site is to add another website!  Close the TopSurfer site and continue on to the next Fast-Track Tutorial.

(Note:  Each of the companies in the CHIP program are independent entities.  As such, the owners of these companies may change the directions on how to use their program at any time.  If you find that the directions on the website deviate from those in this Fast Track Guide, please inform the Big Dogs Home Office at Stan@BigDogSecrets.com so that we may update the Tutorial.)

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