Write Ads Like A Rockstar!

Perhaps the most valuable skill a successful marketer can possess is "copywriting."

Copywriting is nothing less than salesmanship in print form - in other words, "writing an EFFECTIVE ad" - and a great copywriter can make virtually anyone buy virtually anything.  In fact, the great ones can sell you in such a way that you'll actually thank them for taking your money!

However, copywriting is also one of the most misunderstood and least practiced skills out there as well.  Many people give up before they even try, thinking that writing isn't their strong suit and they'll never succeed.

Unfortunately, thinking like this really limits your profits;  it leaves you at the mercy of the big boys on the playground who will knock you down and take your lunch money (i.e. profits).  If you want to add this powerful weapon to your arsenal, then simply read on.

Keep It Simple, Fer Pete's Sake!

Unless you're in school or are just heavily into deep thinkers, no one wants to work hard while reading.  This is especially true for people reading sales copy.  That's why it's so important to keep your writing concise and simple.

Don't use big words or flowery language.  The last thing you want is for people to put your copy down while they hunt for a dictionary.  Use the same words your prospect is likely to use, so they can read and understand your copy quickly and easily.  If they feel like you're really talking to them, in their language, they're much more likely to buy from you.

It's a well-known fact in copywriting circles that the average American only reads at a sixth grade level.  A good rule of thumb is to assume you're writing for Homer Simpson.  If Homer can understand what you just wrote, then it's great.  If not... rewrite it.

The Most Powerful Word in the World!

Do you know what the world's most powerful word is?  Most people think it's "free," but, while that's a great word, there's another one that's much more powerful.  Give up?

It's "you."

Nobody wants to hear you talk about yourself or your product.  This is where so many writers go astray, as they're so excited to tell you about the greatest thing since someone said, "Hey, let's SLICE it first, before we put it in the bag, and see what happens!"  But your prospect doesn't care. They only care about one thing: themselves.

So instead of saying how great your product is, tell them what wonderful things it can do for them. Let them know you feel their pain.  Relate to them.  Talk directly to them.  Do this, and you (there's that word again) will sell.

"How is this product going to make my life better?"

That is the one question that your sales copy should answer for your prospect - quickly and plainly.

Make It Easy!

An important skill in copywriting, especially online, is "eye relief."  This is basically just the practice of making your copy easy to read.  That means: 

  • short sentences,

  • short paragraphs, and

  • not a lot of clutter.

Most people don't read online anyway.  They scan.  Make it easy for them to get all the information they need, quickly and effortlessly, by giving them:

  • lots of white space,

  • thick margins, and

  • easy-to-read fonts.

Bold lettering is also good, as it can help them pick up key words and phrases while scanning.

Copy What Works!

I've said this a gazillion times, but it remains as the single best tool to learn effective copywriting.....

.....your inbox!

You should make a habit of taking ten or fifteen minutes every couple of days to analyze and study the marketing emails in your inbox, and ask yourself:

  • What subject lines made YOU want to open those particular emails?  How can you mold those "stand-out" subject lines to fit your particular product or service?

  • What was it about the sales message itself that made you feel it was worthwhile to examine the website?

Just as important are those emails that DIDN'T make you jump up and yell, "here's my money!"  What ads did you find to be glaringly ineffective, and why?  What ads simply turned you off?

It sounds obvious but make sure you triple check your ad copy for spelling and grammar mistakes. It would be a shame to miss out on potential clicks due to a poor first impression because of spelling errors!  Many marketers spend loads of time designing and formatting ads, and then don't do the simplest proof reading.

Remember:  you only have ONE chance to make a first impression!

Write Like a Pro!

Both the most reassuring and discouraging thing about copywriting is this:
you'll always be learning.  No one, not even the greats,
ever figures the game out completely.

So even if you think you're hopeless, just start learning... and practicing!

With the Big Dogs program, we take great pride in presenting you with an unparalleled opportunity.  It's an unparalleled opportunity to have a staggering number of qualified prospects handed to you on a monthly basis, and to acquire an above average income that comes to you on an on-going, recurring basis!

All YOU have to do is to reach out and grab hold of the comet's tail.  Otherwise.....

"Step aside and let the BIG Dogs eat!"

(And if you don't ALREADY have your copy of "Secrets of the Big Dogs"
you can pick it up at the link directly below:)

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