This Is the KEY to Getting Prospects to
BUY from You.....
.....and Be HAPPY About It!

Let these three words sink in;  I mean really sink in:


The reality is, your sales career won’t pick up real momentum until you are familiar with the "know-like-trust" formula.  Face to face (so-called "dirt-world") salespeople have known this for decades, but most online marketers are still struggling to get it right.

Y'see, the successful sale of ANY product involves more than merely introducing your prospects to a product that you feel they will like and need.  The sales process (ANY sales process - offline OR online) actually involves three separate steps.....

  1. We have to get our prospects to KNOW us

  2. We have to get our prospects to LIKE us

  3. We have to get our prospects to TRUST us

Of course, it certainly doesn't hurt to have a quality product;  that's just common sense.  But all things being equal, prospects prefer to buy from someone that they know, like, and trust.

So just how is this done on the Internet?  It almost sounds like an insurmountable task!

In the relatively cold, impersonal digital world in which you and I have chosen to make our livings, true face-to-face, personal contact is virtually impossible!  So how do we get prospects to know us, to like us, and to trust us?

Well, let's just see;  it takes patience and planning but it ain't that hard.....

Step 1:
     "How do I get people to KNOW me?"

Fortunately, the first part of the equation - getting prospects to KNOW you - is the easiest part because it is a purely mechanical process.

UNfortunately, it's the part of the equation that takes the longest to develop!  This is why most marketers fail in their attempts to make a dependable living online;  they join a program, put out a few ads, and expect their PayPal account to be flooded with orders..... IMMEDIATELY!  But the fact of the matter is that it takes a while for people to get to know us.

So how DO we get people to know us on the Internet?  It all goes back to the "law of large numbers."  We need to "get our name out there" as often and in as many places as possible.  It's that simple.  This process of getting people to know you is also called "branding" or "name recognition"

The best example I can think of illustrating this principle is the small placards that politicians have their supporters put up in every other backyard and telephone pole the week before an election.  There's very little else on these 2 X 2 posters but the name of a particular candidate.  But that's all it takes!  Politicians know that it often takes nothing more than "name recognition" to win an election.  And in our case it often takes nothing more than "name recognition" (i.e. branding) to make a sale.

People buy more readily from people they know, rather than a total stranger; get your name out there as often as possible!

Step 2:
     "How do I get people to LIKE me?"

Imagine two people with an identical product and an identical price.

One person comes across as boring and impersonal. The other is charming, interesting, and makes you feel good. Which one would you rather do business with?

However, a high profile (the "branding" we discussed above) alone is not enough to convert prospects into customers. You must also build relationships to nurture your likeability.

Be authentic and express your "unique voice" through your content.  Write your sales message like you were having a pleasant conversation with them at a local coffee shop.  If you have ever noticed MY writing style, I use common expressions like "ain't" and "gonna" - colloquialisms - quite often, JUST as I would if I were sitting across from you havin' a cuppa coffee.  (Note:  Just don't overdo it!  Your goal is to come across as an "ol' buddy," NOT an uneducated rube!)

Be real: If you come across as another dull, faceless affiliate trying to sell something you’ll simply turn people off.  Instead, write with passion and get personal.

Be nice! It sounds obvious but unfortunately it isn’t.  Don’t annoy or badmouth other marketers or products.

Initiate a two-way "conversation:" Invite your audience to engage and interact with you.  Never submit a sales message without including your contact information and name.  Very, very few people will actually contact you, but the ones who DO contact you are gold!

Step 3:
     "How do I get people to TRUST me?"

When it comes to selling online, authority (i.e. "branding") and likeability alone are rarely enough — you need to become truly trusted.

"Trust is built with consistency."
                                                    -Lincoln Chafee

"Trust everybody, but make sure you're the one who cuts the cards."
                                                     -Peter Finley Dunne

"Would you want to do business with a man who was 99% honest?"
                                                      -Sydney Madwed

In our online world there are two basic ways to achieve trust:

The first, and most obvious, way of achieving trust is to promote only programs, products, and services that are of high quality.  Items that you genuinely believe in and feel good about.  Items that you would use yourself.  Items that you feel good about and that allow you to fall asleep with a smile on your face, not feel guilty about having sold.

The second way is to be consistent.  Don't be that marketer - the program hopper - that guy who hops from program to program, from "next-shiny-object" to "next shiny object."  Your prospects want to feel that the program or service you are promoting today is good enough for you to be promoting next month or next year.

I know one guy, for example, who does a LOT of online marketing.  His name is all over the place, so he has the "know" factor down cold.  He also has a unique and charming writing style, so (initially) he is a "likeable" character.  But this marketer fails miserably in the "trust" department:  he never promotes an item for more than three or four weeks, and the products he promotes are all of the "we do all the work, you make all the money," "get rich by Thursday" variety.  How much credibility do you think he has?  How much trust do you think he inspires?

But when you combine the elements of know, like, and trust to your content and actions, magic ignites. You become an authority on your subject, and you build a tribe of fiercely loyal followers who can ultimately become loyal customers.

But results like these take time and effort. You need to put the work in — to fight hard for your space. And you can never give up.

I’m game.

How about you?

With the Big Dogs program, we take great pride in presenting you with an unparalleled opportunity.  It's an unparalleled opportunity to have a staggering number of qualified prospects handed to you on a monthly basis, and to acquire an above average income that comes to you on an on-going, recurring basis!

All YOU have to do is to reach out and grab hold of the comet's tail.  Otherwise.....

"Step aside and let the BIG Dogs eat!"

(And if you don't ALREADY have your copy of "Secrets of the Big Dogs"
you can pick it up at the link directly below:)

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