"The TEAM!   NONE of us is as strong as ALL of us!"

Has the Big Dogs program "peaked?"


Y’know, folks, I’ve been in a number of business online and offline since 1971. Several of these ventures have made use of affiliates or distributors or salespeople or agents – whatever you may wish to call them. And down through the years the most FRUSTRATING question I get from "newbies" is…

"Gee, am I getting into this business too late? Is the market saturated?"

And, apparently, the Big Dogs program is no different. Even though the Big Dogs program was launched on March 24 – LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO, and the very idea of "saturation" at this early stage is so ludicrous as to be absurd, I nevertheless get a few people a week who come out with, "I’ve seen a lot of ads on the Internet for Big Dogs. Isn’t it too late to get in?"

Now, folks, I DO understand that that sounds like a perfectly legitimate concern to a person who is inexperienced in marketing. Let me answer that with a few analogies…..

Any of you ever hear of a "little" company by the name of AmWay? Love ‘em or hate ‘em, AmWay has been around for over 35 years, and (deserved or not) they still carry with them a certain negative aura. Yet they’re still around and they continue to grow – at the rate of over forty THOUSAND new distributors every month! And you can just bet that back in 1970 there were a few AmWay distributors who felt that the AmWay program had reached a saturation point. (These folks, by the way, did NOT become millionaires as did MANY other AmWay distributors from that period of time.)

Right now Big Dogs is acquiring 2,000 new affiliates a month. So…it looks to me, if the experience of AmWay is any indication, like we could be putting on 20 TIMES that number and STILL not reach that so-called "saturation point."

Now, I live in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania which has a population of around 50,000. During it’s heyday in the late 1940’s and 50’s, when it was one of the principal railroad towns of the nation, the population was actually DOUBLE what is today, and yet there are more restaurants in town today than there were 40 years ago! I’m sure you’ve had the same thought in YOUR particular town – just when you thought that your area was "saturated" with fast-food places, ANOTHER one springs up!

Speaking of restaurants, an associate of mine years ago by the name of Jim Stevens was fond of telling this story: Back in the 50’s he was looking around for a business to get into. He was approached by a friend of his about a new franchise opportunity, but he declined the offer with these words, "Gee, Ray, I think I’m going to pass. The country is already saturated with restaurants, and I don’t think your idea has any long term potential."

Jim’s friend’s name, by the way, was Ray…Ray Kroc. And the franchise opportunity that Jim turned down at the time because the market was "saturated" was a completely unknown company by the name of McDonald’s – ever hear of ‘em?

There is a company on the Internet by the name of Six Figure Income – I’m sure you’ve seen their ads. Although hardly as old a company as AmWay, by Internet standards Six Figure Income has been around for quite a while. The figures I’ve seen vary, but current estimates place their total membership at between 1.4 and 1.5 MILLION. If we assume that they are now "saturated" at the 1.5 million member mark and are not going to grow any more, then that means that at the rate the Big Dogs organization is growing, we have "only" 62.5 YEARS left before we reach "saturation."

62.5 years? I think I can live with that!

And there are other factors at play, as well. Each day, 100,000 MORE people go on the Internet for the first time. Of course, not all of them are in our market – the business opportunity seekers market. But if just 1% are biz-op seekers, then that means that every day we have 1,000 brand new prospects for the Big dogs program.

I think I can live with that, too!

You see, my friends, the fact that we are seeing more and more ads for Big Dogs is a good thing – a VERY good thing. In the advertising world exposure equals acceptance. OFFline statistics indicate that the average person does not react to an ad until they are exposed to it five to seven times. ONline that figure is much higher, and advertising experts tell us that on the Internet a person needs to be exposed to an ad over TWENTY times before they take action.

Now, as many professional marketers do, I glance through my "junk" email box a few times a week to stay in touch with what’s happening on the net. And believe me, I receive THOUSANDS of emails each day in that box. Do I see Big Dogs ads? YOU betcha! About one in every three hundred! (I took the time this week to actually do a count) To us, of course, it SEEMS like a lot because they’re "OUR" ads, so we have a tendency to spot ‘em over all the other ads, and it SEEMS like more than a mere one third of ONE percent.

Market saturation for the Big Dogs program? Talk to me about it in five years!

"No thanks, Mr. Ford. I don’t think I want to get involved with one of your franchises. By 1930, everyone in America will have an automobile, and the market will be saturated."

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