You've Got Questions?
We've Got ANSWERS!
(ALL the answers!)

"How long has the Big Dogs program been around, and has it been a success?"


The "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook was launched to the public on March 24, 2001.  When we first launched "Secrets of the Big Dogs," we felt that maybe - just MAYBE - we would sell 100 copies or so a month.

The first month we sold 3,000 copies, and within the first year we sold over 40,000 copies!

This far surpassed our wildest expectations, and made "Secrets" one of the Internet's all-time best sellers in it's category!  What I came to find out was that the experiences that I had had starting out are shared by almost EVERYONE on the Internet!  I came to find out that virtually everyone goes through their own, individual "year of horror."

This "commonality of experience" is what I believe has led to the unexpected, explosive, and CONTINUING SUCCESS of "Secrets of the Big Dogs."

We have Big Dogs in every state in the United States, every province of Canada, every territory of Australia, in over 150 countries worldwide, and all 24 international time zones!  Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week SOMEone, SOMEwhere is using the Big Dogs system to promote their favorite program.....

     .....or the Big Dogs program itself!

I am especially proud of the fact that we have been in continuous, successful operations for OVER two decades!  Considering that 95% of Internet companies don't even last for one year - and only about 1% last two years -  our longevity is a testimony to the genuine value and long-term stability of the Big Dogs program!  Currently, your Big Dogs program is one of the longest continuously running programs on the Internet!


Even after a quarter of a century, Big Dogs CONTINUES to sell very well!


We must be doin' SOMETHIN' right!  A whole lotta people must like us!


...because we update the entire Big Dogs program once or even twice each year to reflect the changing Internet marketing environment, the Big Dogs program doesn't go "out of date."  If a certain technique no longer works, it is removed from the Big Dogs program;  when we come across a new technique that works we add it to the program.

The business of the Internet is constantly changing and the Big Dogs program changes with it!

Remember that regardless of what program, product, or service a person wants to promote - they will always need traffic for their website!  This is precisely what the Big Dogs program provides - "Don't dig for gold, sell the shovels!" - and why we will ALWAYS be able to attract new members.

"How many people who purchase the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook go on to become Alpha Dogs and join the CHIP programs?"


Good question!  And, once again, we were pleasantly surprised!

Prior to launch we had projected a "conversion rate" of between 5% and 8%.  In other words we felt that of every 100 ebook purchasers, 5 to 8 would go on to become Alpha Dogs.

We can proudly say that our average conversion rate consistently stands at between 15% and 20%!!!  Nearly TRIPLE what we assumed it would be!  (In fact, many of our experienced Alpha Dogs have a consistent conversion rate of 35% to 40%!)

Obviously the pure LOGIC of the program - the access to an unlimited supply of targeted prospects, the huge income potential, and the simplicity of being able to EFFECTIVELY promote multiple programs simultaneously - has proven to be a VERY popular concept!

"Why should I become an Alpha Dog and join ALL of the programs in the CHIP?"


Simple. One of the big LIES of Internet marketing is that there is just ONE program out there somewhere that can be "all things to all people." The TRUTH is that, although each of the CHIP programs have been individually field-tested and proven to work, no ONE program can possibly come close to giving you ALL the traffic you’ll ever need! You can’t ever get "enough" traffic! You must ask yourself if you really, sincerely WANT to achieve success on the Internet – then you must ask yourself if you are willing and able to pay the PRICE for that success.

And even if just one program COULD generate all the traffic you need..... what happens if that one company goes offline unexpectedly, or even goes out of business.

Overnight..... YOU'RE OUT OF BUSINESS!

But with the Big Dogs' innovative C.H.I.P. you are safe-guarded
with a DIVERSIFIED portfolio of advertising sources!

In addition, of course, as an Alpha Dog you have an unparalleled opportunity to generate a substantial ongoing, residual income by sharing the Big Dogs program with other Internet marketers.

"But am I required to join ALL the C.H.I.P. programs?"


You’re not "required" to do anything! Obviously we can’t force you to do something you’re not comfortable with. In fact, if you’re not completely convinced of the power of the CHIP program, we would be the first ones to tell you to do NOTHING. The CHIP was designed specifically for that breed of individual who has a true desire to make a long-term, successful, full-time Internet business – and can comfortably afford it.

The total ongoing monthly commitment for all programs in the CHIP is an absurdly small figure compared to traditional businesses.  In the offline world, you couldn't hire a good secretary for a week for that paltry sum!

But we also understand that that amount may not fit the budgets of everyone, even though they sincerely want to establish an Internet business!  Therein lies the true beauty of the Big Dog concept – it’s incredible flexibility!…..

If you do NOTHING but follow the advice and pointers in Chapter 3 of your copy of "Secrets of the Big Dogs," this will enormously improve your chances at being a successful entrepreneur, both ONLINE, and, yes, even OFFlne!

If you decide you don’t wish to join ANY of the CHIP programs, you can STILL generate a nice income by promoting the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook and earning yourself a tidy 75% commission per sale!

You may decide to join just a few of the CHIP programs right now, and then ADD additional programs periodically.  That’s fine too, and we certainly understand.

Finally, of course, you can "move to the front of the pack" as an Alpha Dog by joining all of the CHIP programs NOW!

"I just want to make sure I have this right...  I don't have to join ALL the CHIP programs at one time?"


That is correct!  Understand that when designing the Big Dogs program, it was our desire to construct a program that each person could tailor to their own individual circumstances.  We wanted to construct a program that an experienced person with "deep pockets," OR a newbie with little disposable income, could BOTH be comfortable with.

If you are at ease joining ALL of the CHIP programs, that's fine.  BUT... if you feel comfortable joining just a few of the programs to start, well, that's fine, too.  As your experience progresses, you can then join additional programs.

(Note:  This question was answered in complete detail in the previous Chapter, Chapter 8, but you may wish to review it.)

Naturally, your sponsor’s ID will remain as the link for each program you do not join in your Signup Module.  However, when you later join more of the CHIP programs, we would then update your Module with your new reseller URL's.

"You say that just by promoting the 'Secrets of the Big Dogs' ebook ONLY, I am actually promoting multiple programs at the same time.  I'm still not quite sure I understand.  Could you explain the concept once more?"


Certainly!  This is without doubt the "sweetest" part of the whole Big Dogs program.  BUT!...because it is so unique, it CAN be a little difficult to grasp immediately.  So let's go through it once more in step-by-step fashion:

Step 1:

The whole process starts with the website for the sale of the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook.  (This is the website that has the headline at the top, "Traffic Generation - SOLVED!  Income Generation - SOLVED!"  Remember it?)

Your prospect (we'll call him "Joe") has naturally reached this site because of one of your ads that he has seen.  Your ad, of course, contains a URL so Joe can actually get to the sales site, right?  This URL is a very SPECIAL one.  It is called a "reseller URL" or an "affiliate URL" and is a specially configured URL completely unique to YOU because it contains YOUR personal Big Dogs ID.

This unique URL is how your sales are tracked, and how we know just WHICH Alpha Dog was responsible for that sale.

Step 2:

Now let's say that Joe reads the sales page, likes what he sees, and decides to purchase the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook for $7.00.

Because he got to the sales page using YOUR personal, unique affiliate URL, ClickBank IMMEDIATELY credits YOU with the sale and puts the 75% commission into your ClickBank account.

Step 3:

Let's go on to say, then, that Joe has studied the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook and feels that becoming an Alpha Dog sounds like a great idea.

In order to sign up for the CHIP programs UNDER YOU, Joe would now need your customized Signup Module.  Remember...your customized Signup Module contains your individual reseller ID's for each one of the CHIP programs.  Joe is supplied with your Signup Module by the Big Dogs home office.  Then, as Joe signs up for each of the CHIP programs, YOU earn a residual commission from each one he joins!

Thus, you have promoted just one URL - your affiliate URL - which led Joe to the sales site for the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook.


In other words you promoted just one URL (your Affiliate URL for the ebook), which, in turn, then promoted the multiple URL's of the CHIP on your behalf!

Got it!?

"Could you be a little more specific about exactly what a 'Signup Module' actually IS?"


Certainly!  Your Signup Module is actually a web page which resides on the main Big Dogs server.

It is configured individually for each Alpha Dog and contains a list of your personal reseller URL's for each of the CHIP programs that you supply to us after you join them.  

Each of your reseller URL's in your signup Module is a "hot-link."  All Joe has to do is to click on each one to go to that specific CHIP company's website to sign up under YOU.

YOUR Signup Module web page has a unique URL which is different from the Signup Module URL of every other Alpha Dog.

When Joe decides to become an Alpha Dog, we send him the URL for YOUR customized Signup Module.

To view a sample, non-working Signup Module, just click the graphic to the right;  afterwards, then, close your browser window to return to this page.

"Whoa!  Whoa!  Whoa!  Now I understand how the system works.  BUT! do I get one of those 'affiliate URL's' to sell the ebook in the first place?  How do I get my own 'Signup Module' with my reseller ID's for the CHIP programs in it?  And how do you know to send Joe MY signup Module?"

Answer # 8:

Patience, my friend!  We'll be covering ALL these items in the final chapter, Chapter 10.

"What if I am ALREADY a member of some of the CHIP programs?"


That depends.  It depends whether you are already an "upgraded" (i.e. PAID) member, or a free member in a particular CHIP program.  There are three different scenarios that would apply.  Let me explain.....

(Scenario #1)  If you are already an upgraded (paid) member in a particular CHIP program, then basically you would do nothing.

Remember that it’s YOUR reseller ID that we "plug into" your customized Signup Module – whether that ID is one you already have, or it’s your new one that you’ll be getting after you sign up for the CHIP programs as outlined in the next chapter. Therefore, if you are already an upgraded (paid) member, that means you already have a sponsor in that program, and it is not our intention to cause financial injury to an existing sponsor.

Thus, IF YOU ARE ALREADY AN UPGRADED (PAID) MEMBER IN ONE OF THE CHIP PROGRAMS, you would supply the Big Dogs Home Office with  your existing reseller information in that program - NOTHING would change.

(Scenario #2)   If you are currently a free member in a particular CHIP program, and you also have an existing downline organization then, once again, you would do nothing.

Remember that it’s YOUR reseller ID that we "plug into" your customized Signup Module – whether that ID is one you already have, or it’s your new one that you’ll be getting after you sign up for the CHIP programs as outlined in the next chapter

Therefore, if you are a free member with a downline organization, it is not our intention to have that work you've put in disrupted.  Thus, you would supply the Big Dogs Home Office with  your existing reseller information in that program - again, NOTHING would change.

(Scenario #3)  Finally, if you are currently a free member in a particular CHIP program, and you have NO existing downline organization, AND you want your Big Dogs sponsor to receive the benefit of your upgrade, the situation changes.

Remember that it’s YOUR reseller ID that we "plug into" your customized Signup Module – whether that ID is one you already have, or it’s your new one that you’ll be getting after you sign up for the CHIP programs as outlined in the next chapter. Therefore, if you are a free member with no downline organization, you would first delete your existing account in that CHIP program (you have to delete your existing account because most programs do not allow an individual to have more than one membership).  You would then sign up again in that program, but this time using your sponsor's affiliate URL in his Signup Module.  Thus, you would supply the Big Dogs Home Office with your NEW reseller information.

Don't worry if it sounds a little complicated at this point.  It will all snap into focus in short order!

"I’ve always heard that it is not wise to try to promote more than one program at once – that you lose your focus."

ANSWER # 10: 

Ordinarily you would be correct.

My personal experience in marketing over the last 30 years, has shown that for the average marketer (both online and offline) the biggest mistake they can make is trying to promote too many programs at one time.

However, what makes the CHIP program so different is that
you are actually only promoting ONE program
and that’s the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook for a mere one-time seven bucks!"

Y'see, it’s the Secrets of the Big Dogs ebook that does all the promoting of the multiple CHIP programs FOR you!

"Since our ultimate goal is to have people join the various CHIP programs where the REALLY big money is, why do we charge for the ‘Secrets of the Big Dogs' ebook?  Why not just give it away?"

ANSWER # 11:

There are two reasons.

First of all, even if you choose not to join ANY of the CHIP programs, "Secrets of the Big Dogs" will provide invaluable insights to help you achieve Internet marketing success. If you do nothing but heed the advice contained in "Secrets," you can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on items you now know do not work.

For nearly two decades "Secrets of the Big Dogs" has been heralded as the bible of Internet marketing.  Frankly, the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook all by itself is well worth the small price you paid for it, and we have hundreds of testimonials to that effect.

Secondly, and more importantly, WE ONLY WANT TO ATTRACT SERIOUS PEOPLE! It has been proven time and time again, that when someone is asked to invest, even a small, token amount of money (such as $7.00), they are far, FAR more apt to take what they are purchasing seriously. This simple tactic discourages those folks whose daily goal on the Internet is to do nothing more than break their previous day’s total for "most free programs joined."

"How do I get paid?"

ANSWER # 12:

Your commission on each sale of the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" ebook is 75%, the HIGHEST commission rate allowed by ClickBank.  As you may have noticed when you first made YOUR purchase, ebook sales are handled for us through the online transaction agency "ClickBank"

ClickBank sends you a check every two weeks for the commissions you've earned from your sales of the ebook.  You can also have ClickBank direct deposit your ebook commissions automatically  into your bank account every week, on Wednesday, with a minimum balance of $10.00.

What about commissions earned from the CHIP programs?

Currently, a number of different payment processors are used by the CHIP programs to pay you your commissions.

You are gonna start to LOVE opening your emailbox to see those "Payment Notice's!"

Question # 13:
"Out of the thousands and thousands of programs on the Internet, just how do you go about choosing which programs become part of the CHIP?"

ANSWER # 13:

We have stringent qualifications that a program must meet in order to become a CHIP program:

It must demonstrate stability!  First and foremost, we don't even consider a program unless it's been around for an absolute MINIMUM of six months!  Roughly 90% of those "hot, new" programs (those so-called "prelaunch miracles of the day," I call 'em) are out of business within 180 days.  WE'RE looking for long-term stability and a dedicated Administration that's in it for the long haul.

It must generate good quality traffic!  Although it's nice to have a program with multiple benefits, the primary benefit of importance to us is that it generates quality traffic - plain and simple.  Traffic generation always was and always will be the focal point of Big Dogs.  ("Don't dig for gold;  sell the shovels."

It must have a "send-and-forget" feature.  Our philosophy is that you have more important things to do than spending 95% of your time dealing with the purely mechanical aspects of traffic generation.  A qualifying CHIP program must allow you to enter your ad, click "send" and walk away, your ad being sent out over that program's servers.  You only need to return when it's time to have another ad sent out.

It must pay commissions.  There are, in fact, a number of reliable advertising sources that don't pay commissions.  To be a CHIP a program however, it MUST pay substantial residual commissions.

It must have a responsive Home Office.  NOTHING irritates me more than dealing with a service where the Owner or Administrator doesn't give a damn about customer support!  If a problem or question arises, I want it dealt with YESTERDAY!  We don't even consider a program for CHIP status unless I PERSONALLY have communicated with the owner.

It must produce S-A-L-E-S!  "Hits" by themselves are totally meaningless.  Those hits must result in actual sales - cash-in-hand, money-in-pocket SALES!

"Is there any training available?  Or am I just 'left out in the cold' after I join?"

ANSWER # 14:

I think you can sense by now the Big Dogs organization is NOT the type who would leave you out in the cold after we get your money!  You'll be happy to know that Big Dogs has some of the BEST training available of any program on the Internet!

When you upgrade to Alpha Dog, you will be given the Access URL for our special, member's-only "Alpha Dogs Training Site!"

And, all modesty aside, our Training Site is a thing of beauty and simplicity!  Written in "newbie-speak," the Training Site takes you by the hand, and in a step-by-step, "paint-by-the-numbers" style, shows you exactly WHAT to do and WHEN to do it.  For example, one of the many key benefits of the Training Site is our much heralded series of "Fast-Track Tutorials."

What are the "Fast-Track Tutorials?"

Well, most of us know how time consuming it can be to become familiar enough with just ONE new program to be able to use it effectively.  And there are SEVERAL programs that will probably be new to you in the CHIP!  Initially, that sounds like a pretty daunting task, doesn't it!?

Ah, but our "Fast-Track Tutorials" are designed to get you up-and-running with each of the CHIP programs in a matter of MINUTES!!!

Y'see, there is a separate Fast-Track Tutorial for each one of the CHIP programs.  Each tutorial shows you in a "Step 1-do this, Step 2-do that, Step 3-now do this..." manner precisely how to set up all the CHIP programs with no confusion or frustration  - even if you've never done anything like this before!

And!... once you have your CHIP programs all set up, our Training Site gives you a systematic game plan to follow that will allow you to finish all of your routine marketing chores in just minutes a day!  No that's NOT a misprint!  Using the Big Dogs techniques, you'll be able to finish all of your basic promotional tasks while you finish your first cup of coffee in the morning!

With the Big Dogs Training Site, your days of living on your computer are gone for good!  Your computer will stop taking away your LIFE and start giving you a LIVING!

"Do you assist me with writing ads?  I can't even write a good shopping list, let alone an effective ad."

ANSWER # 15:

Once AGAIN, our Alpha Dogs Training Site has that area covered!

While we encourage you to write your own ads, and even instruct you how to do that, we realize that not everyone is an ad-writing genius.  We also realize that you new folks want to get up-and-running F-A-S-T-!  Today!  Right here!  NOW!!!  You want to start generating sales immediately, while you're working on your own ad writing technique.

That's why our Training Site also includes the Big Dogs "Ad Vault."

The Ad Vault contains DOZENS of preformatted, dynamite ads designed to promote the Big Dogs program.  Hard-hitting, attention-getting, sales-generating ads!  All YOU have to do is copy and paste an ad of your choice into the CHIP programs (the Fast-Track Tutorials show you how to do this!), and - SHAZAM! - you're set to go!

Question # 16:
"Do I need to purchase a domain name and hosting account, or set up my own web page?  Do I need an autoresponder?"

Answer # 16:

So long as you are promoting the Big Dogs program the answer is "no," to ALL of the above.  You are given what is called  a "mirrored" website which is a carbon copy of the sales page for the Secrets of the Big Dogs ebook, and resides on the Big Dogs' computer server.  Your unique ID is connected to that sales page, so when one of your prospects purchases the ebook, YOU get the credit (and the cash!!!).

"I'm still not quite sure I understand just how prospects receive my sales message.  Could you explain that part of the system again?"

ANSWER # 17:  

Certainly!  It's really quite simple.  Each CHIP program maintains an ever-changing database of prospects who have indicated their desire to receive promotional sales messages.  The total number of prospects in the database of each CHIP program varies continuously - numbers may go up, or may go down - but NEW prospects are constantly being added.  This is exactly the type of "dynamic" membership you want.

Now, in order to get YOUR sales message in front of these prospects, all you need to do is to go to each CHIP site, copy and paste your ad into the "mailer" of that CHIP site, and click the "send" button.  That's it!  Now, depending on the particular CHIP program, you may be permitted to have your ad sent out every day, every two days, every three days, or once a week.  When that time is up, you merely come back to that particular CHIP site and "rinse and repeat."

And remember:  we have a very detailed "Fast-Track Tutorial" for EACH program so you know exactly what to do and when!  This comprehensive collection of "Fast-Track Tutorials" are maintained on our special Training Manual Site, the Access URL for which you are given AFTER you submit your Alpha Dog reseller URL's to us.

"What about SPAM?  Can this be considered SPAM?"

ANSWER # 18:

Absolutely, positively NOT!  Nothing about this promotional technique can be misconstrued as SPAM!

Before a prospect is added to the database of any of the CHIP programs, they have to undergo a rigorous "membership selection process:"

First of all, they must signify their acceptance of that particular program's "Terms of Service."

Secondly, they receive a "verification" email which contains a special "confirmation link"  In order to be accepted into that database, they MUST click that confirmation link to verify their willingness to accept promotional emails.

Thirdly, every email that these prospects receive contains an "unsubscribe link"  Anytime they wish to "opt-out" of receiving further emails, they can do so very simply by clicking that link.

Finally, all emails are sent to the databases using the servers of the CHIP programs, NOT your computer in any way.  Once you click that "send" button, you are effectively "out of the loop"

"What about support? What if I have a question or a problem regarding any of the CHIP programs?"

ANSWER # 19:

NO SWEAT!  Bear in mind that each of the CHIP programs was designed by it'sowners as a completely independent program, and each is a completely independent company.  Thus, each program has it's own set of on-site tutorials on how to use it!  Also, one of our criteria in selecting the programs in the CHIP is that they must give above average customer support. Any time you have questions or problems, each of the CHIP companies can be emailed or, in a number of cases, even called on the telephone!

"But what about support from the Big Dogs Home Office, itself?"

ANSWER # 20:

Specific questions concerning any of the individual CHIP programs should, of course, be initially directed to that particular company itself, since it was they who designed and maintain their company's program.  They are naturally the "experts" on their own program!

But the staff of the Big Dogs Home Office is always available DIRECTLY, for any questions or problems.

The bottom line.....
"We give you HELP, not HYPE!"

  • You may EMAIL us at:
  • ...PHONE us at:  814-696-0469
  • ...or SNAIL-MAIL us at:
    "Big Dogs"
    Attn:  Stan Stuchinski
    POB 275
    Hollidaysburg, PA  16648

We are located in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States.  Normal office hours are 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  As you can imagine, we receive a LOT of correspondence (500 to 1,000 emails, alone, each DAY!).  Thus we will ordinarily respond to your message within one to two BUSINESS days.

Heck, you can even meet with us IN PERSON, if you so desire!  We welcome visitors, and lunch will even be on us!  Make sure, however, that if you plan on a visit, to arrange an appointment at least a week in advance.

In addition, for added support, EVERYONE who purchases the ebook (Alpha Dog or not) receives their regular edition of the Big Dogs Bulletin.  As mentioned before, each issue of the Big Dogs Bulletin keeps everyone abreast of what's happening in the organization, as well as supplying you with the latest in cutting edge marketing and traffic building techniques.

Since EVERYONE receives it, the Big Dogs Bulletin also serves a very useful function for you, as an Alpha Dog team builder, since it encourages those who "haven't made the move yet," to upgrade to Alpha Dog status!

And guess who earns the commissions, when that ebook purchaser upgrades to Alpha Dog - whether it's a day after he or she purchases the ebook, a month , a year, SEVERAL years later! - so long as YOU are an active Alpha Dog.....


"Is there anything else the Big Dogs Home Office does to encourage my ebook purchasers to upgrade to Alpha Dog status under me?"

ANSWER # 21:

You betcha!

Naturally, we are always accessible by email or by phone to answer any questions or to explain the Big Dogs program in more detail to any of your ebook purchasers.  (OR..... even to folks who have not yet purchased the ebook!  Remember:  our phone number and email address are on our sales page even BEFORE a prospect makes their purchase.)

In addition to that personal touch, however, once a prospect purchases the ebook from you, he is automatically entered into the Big Dogs autoresponder system, and begins to receive a daily email message from Home Office highlighting a different facet of the Big Dogs program.  (So you don't even need your own autoresponder as long as you are promoting the Big Dogs program!)

He receives a different email once a day for fourteen days, and then a different email every three days for another month, and then a different email every seven days for another two months.  All ebook purchasers receive over SEVENTY-FIVE professionally written autoresponder messages over a period of six months.  Naturally, when these folks upgrade to Alpha Dog, YOU get the commissions!

In other words, so long as you are promoting the Secrets of the Big Dogs ebook, you don't need an autoresponder.  Our Home Office has THAT covered for you with the best autoresponder in the business - aWeber!

In fact, we have actually had folks who have not decided to upgrade to Alpha Dog for years after they purchase the ebook!  But when they do upgrade, guess who gets the commission credit?  YOU DO!

And, of course, ALL ebook purchasers receive their regular edition of the Big Dogs Bulletin.

"What if I should want to drop out of the Big Dogs program.  Am I under any long term financial commitment?"

ANSWER # 22:

Certainly not!

For those CHIP programs that you pay for on a monthly basis, your commitment is on a month-to-month basis only, and you are free to discontinue your memberships at any time.  Your membership benefits would continue until the end of that month for which you have already paid, but then they would cease at the end of that month.

For those CHIP programs that you pay for on a different mode (semi-annually or annually, for example), you can still discontinue your memberships at any time. However, since refunds cannot be given out by the CHIP companies, your membership benefits would continue until the end of that time period for which you have already paid (the end of the year, as an example), but then they would cease at the end of that period.

To cancel a CHIP program you need only cancel it from within the Member's Area of that particular company (to stop the membership itself), and from within your payment processor's members area (to stop the payment portion of the membership).  VERY simple!

"Do I HAVE to promote the Big Dogs program?  I am already involved in a program that I'm content with."

ANSWER # 23:

The leads generated by the CHIP programs are 100% generic - they may be used to promote ANY program, product, or service that is legal and non-adult-oriented.

Many of our Alpha Dogs don't promote the Big Dogs program at all  - like you, they already have a favorite program that they wish to promote.  Other Alpha Dogs, although they are promoting another, main program, also promote Big Dogs in a simple "signature file" at the bottom of their main sales message.  Finally, of course, there are those Alpha Dogs that promote Big Dogs exclusively, although they are certainly not required to.

In fact, the amazing flexibility of the Big Dogs program again becomes apparent:

You could promote just ONE, favorite program to ALL of the prospects, all the time.

Since the prospects are generated by multiple CHIP programs, if you desired, you could actually promote MULTIPLE programs or products of your choice each day.

You could use HALF the leads to promote ONE program, and half to promote ANOTHER program.

You could use ALL the leads one day to promote one program, and then use the next day's leads to promote another, different program.

And so on, and so, and so on.....

Obviously, the uses of your daily CHIP leads are limited only by your own imagination and inventiveness.

"Since all of the CHIP programs offer a ‘free reseller opportunity," I can actually join all these programs for free, right?"

ANSWER # 24:


(sigh) If you are REALLY asking this question, you haven’t been paying attention! In Chapter Three we covered extensively the topic of "free programs." We discussed the fact that the "free" portion of any program is put there mainly to fulfill the "letter of the law," and that little, if any, real benefit is derived from them.

If you really think that you can "beat the system," join a ton of free programs, and actually be an Internet marketing success, my friend, you are in for a tragic disappointment.

Additionally, "free" members are NOT accepted into the Big Dog organization, are NOT eligible for a customized Signup Module, and are NOT emailed the Big Dogs Bulletin!

"Isn't your C.H.I.P. just another 'downline buider?'  What makes your C.H.I.P. so special?'"

ANSWER # 25:

Is the CHIP a downline builder?  Well, yes and no.  I am proud to say that our CHIP is actually the ORIGINAL downline builder!

'way back in the dim mists of Internet antiquity (2001) we pioneered the very FIRST list of multiple traffic-generation programs to join at one time (a downline builder).  At the time, the so-called "gurus" said it wasn't a viable concept.  The perceived wisdom was that it was impossible to expect folks to join multiple programs simultaneously!  History proved them wrong, and now every Tom, Dick, and Harry has their own so-called "downline builder."

What makes our C.H.I.P. unique?

Well, there are several things:  First of all, we don't just throw the latest "next shiny thing" traffic program into the C.H.I.P.  We don't include a program just because a fellow program-owner - a buddy - owns it.  We strenuously vet every candidate program for reliability and consistency of performance.  A traffic program doesn't make it into the C.H.I.P. unless it has been tested and proven to perform adequately.

Secondly, and unlike ANY other downline builder, we tell you who owns 'em, what you can expect out of 'em, and exactly how much and when you get paid to promote 'em... before you join 'em!

Finally, the C.H.I.P. is not a "stagnant" program.  We continuously monitor it, and once or twice each year since 2001, we have updated the C.H.I.P. to reflect changing Internet conditions.

Saying that the Big Dogs' C.H.I.P. is "just another downline builder" is like saying that a diamond is "just another rock," or that Superman is "just another guy in long underwear!"

"What is the $10.00 per month 'Big Dogs Administration Fee?'"

ANSWER # 26:

The monthly Administration Fee covers our costs to configure and maintain the THOUSANDS of customized Signup Modules that reside on the Big Dogs server, as well as making necessary changes, additions, and deletions.  With an affiliate network as large as OURS, you can imagine that this is an on-going, very labor-intensive job for our staff.

It may comfort you to know that, other than the Administration Fee, the ONLY way that the Big Dogs Home Office earns on-going income is the very same way that YOU do - from sales of the ebook and from residual commissions paid by the individual CHIP companies.

But, when you stop and think about it,  there's a BIG difference!.....

If you'll recall, the CHIP programs pay out on just one level of compensation.  But due to the enormous, continuing success of the Big Dogs program, we have new Alpha Dogs that are coming into the program hundreds of levels BELOW Home Office!  Obviously such Alpha Dogs, since they are below Level 1, generate no income whatsoever for the Big Dogs Home Office, yet they must STILL be given the same level of support that a Level 1 Alpha Dog receives!

Let's take an extreme example:

Let us assume that you become an Alpha Dog fifteen levels down from the Big Dogs Home Office.  Let's further assume that you are a SUPER recruiter and manage to bring in a THOUSAND new Alpha Dogs on your first level.  (Your first level is Home Office's sixteenth level)  Obviously you are gonna make a TON of money in residual income - over $250,000 a month!  However, because those thousand new Alpha Dogs are sixteen levels BELOW Home Office, we don't make a nickel!

BUT!...we STILL have to cover the administrative expenses associated with SERVICING those one thousand Alpha Dogs!

Thus, the monthly Administration Fee insures that ALL our members can be given the necessary support, and that your company remains profitable over the long haul.  After all, WE want to be around in the years to come, and I'm sure that YOU want us to continue to be a solid, stable company that you can count on for the foreseeable future!

"Am I required to pay the Administration Fee?"

ANSWER # 27:


Whether you are joining just one of the CHIP programs, or all of them.  The FIRST step in the Alpha Dog signup process (as we shall see in the last chapter) is to become a "Basic Member" of the Big Dogs organization by signing up for the Administration Fee.  This guarantees that your company can always cover the internal costs associated with the support necessary for ALL members.

"By purchasing the "Secrets of the Big Dogs," and joining all of the CHIP programs I am guaranteed of success, right?"

ANSWER # 28:


Your income potential with the "Secrets of the Big Dogs" and the CHIP program is enormous, but that doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed of a huge, effortless income! As the old saying goes, "In business there are no guarantees, only opportunities." While our program is a truly phenomenal opportunity, YOU are ultimately responsible for supplying the ambition, desire, drive, patience, and consistency to make it a success for YOU.

No LEGITIMATE business can GUARANTEE anyone of success.

"WHOA!  WAIT! I have a few more questions that haven’t been answered here!"

ANSWER # 29:

That’s fine. If you have further questions, or something is unclear to you, you are welcome to email me at:

You may also contact me by phone at:  814-696-0469

Or, if you prefer "snail mail," drop me a line at:
Stan Stuchinski
POB 275
Hollidaysburg PA 16648

I’ll be happy to help you in any way I can.

Well, that's pretty much it, folks.


...are YOU ready to get your Internet marketing career off the berm, and on the highway to success!?

Are YOU ready to get off the porch with the puppies, and

Then let's go on to Chapter 10, and see how easy it is to become an...

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